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Korg Volca Modular Complete - Part 2

“Korg Volca Modular Complete – from Volca to Eurorack and Other Large Modular Systems.”

The Volca Modular´s sequencer comes with a couple of functions, which you don´t get with other Volcas.

Not even the smallest detail stays unexplained. This series of 6 video tutorials is about to build the probably most profound source of information concerning this great little semi-modular synth. From discussing every single module over showing how to creatively use some flaws in the synths behaviour to voltage levels of the outputs (and even effective voltage ranges of each input) to methods of COMPLETELY integrating the Volca Modular in larger modular systems (i.e. Eurorack) everything is going to be covered in this series.

Video Title
Korg Volca Modular Complete - Part 2
video screenshot
Korg Volca Modular
video summary
The Volca Modular´s sequencer comes with a couple of functions, which you don´t get with other Volcas.
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