For All of You, Who Want to Add Music or Sound Design to Your Art

You are
- a visual artist (painter, cartoonist, photographer, sculpturer …),
- or a writer,
- or an expresssionist dancer,
- or an actor performing your own programs
You want
to create your own music, your own sounds, your own audible events to add to your art.
What you know about creating music and designing sounds:
(next to) nothing
How I will help you:
First step: Together we define your goal, what you want and what you need in detail.
You pay: nothing
Second step: Together we find out, what you already know about creating music and designing sound (and how well you know it).
You pay: nothing
Third step: I set up a course of lessons and a collection of material, both tailored individually for you and your needs
You pay: nothing
Fourth step: You look at what I´ve set up for you in step 3 and ask me to start with the course
You get: Your first unit including:
- the script (PDF)
- soundfiles (produced individually for you according to what the script teaches you)
- video clips (produced individually for you according to what the script teaches you)
- exercises “homework” which you send back to me and get my corrections and comments
- date & time, when we can talk personally (Skype) to clear questions and deepen the things you have learnt in the unit.
You pay: according to your needs (usually around $ 120,- per unit)
Fifth step: You decide to continue and order the next unit including:
- the script (PDF)
- soundfiles (produced individually for you according to what the script teaches you)
- video clips (produced individually for you according to what the script teaches you)
- exercises “homework” which you send back to me and get my corrections and comments
- date & time, when we can talk personally (Skype) to clear questions and deepen the things you have learnt in the unit.
You pay: according to your needs (usually around $ 120,- per unit)
And so on until you have reached your goal and achieved, what you are aiming for. Or until you´re satisfied by what you´ve already learnt so far; there´s no obligation to continue or to order a certain amount of units. You can stop at any time without further obligations.
I´m looking forward to you and to our cooperation.
Enjoy your day!
Enjoy your work!
Enjoy your own creativity!
Rolf Kasten
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