The Secret Relationship of a Landscape And Its (hidden) Sound

While surfing the Internet, watching a video about sound design, or reading a book – I come upon terms like i.e. „Landscape of Sound“, „Sound Landscapes“ etc. Today – and not only today – I´d like to take these terms literally.
I am convinced, that every landscape, real landscape outside there, is like a sound frozen in time, or a sound, which materialised into a real landscape. And I´m going to make landscapes audible. I´ve made some videos about this matter, where I show the procedure how to make a landscape sounding and audible – as well as the opposite, how to construct a landscape based on a sound. You´ll find them in the menu „Videos“ under the titles „The New Genetics of Sound ….“
So let me talk about some additional aspects here. When we agree, that the character and behaviour of people, who live in a certain landscape are influenced – if not shaped – by the landscape they have lived in for a longer time, and when I further show, that this landscape is sound, a frozen sound, doesn´t that mean, that the character and the behaviour of people is – at least to a remarkable degree – determined by sound?
In one of the videos mentioned above I reconstruct the sound of a landscape, which was formed by a glacier a long time ago. When we listen to the resulting sound, we get the impression, that we are nearly able to imagine the glacier sanding the earth.
In another example the sound of a certain landscape in my homeland is harsh and hard and edgy – as are the people, who live there.
There are a lot more investigations to make, and a lot more relations and relationships to discover – an exciting journey is waiting there outside.
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