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"rofilmmedia" Goes Public Beta

Old and New

After some cumbersome months (I´m not a web designer, I´m a sound designer and teacher) the new rofilm-media site is ready for public beta. The site is still under development – even if everything, that you´ll find at this site, on these pages here, is fully valid.

But it will take some time to transfer all the content of the old www.rofilm-media.net to its new home here at this site. Therefore there is aold site link link to the old site. you´ll find it in the lower right corner of each page. The old site will be online as long as there is content, which has not been transferred here yet.

All downloads can be reached directly from the main menu now. Only members can see it (well, only members can download non-public tutorials and other material). There won´t be any new downloads on the old site. New members-only material is going to be placed here on the new download pages.

Some Inconveniences and Flaws

There are still some inconveniences in this beta version. The server, where I´m hosting this site is a German server. But as I did my conversation with the company in English I had thought, that they use all English versions of Drupal, which is the CMS my site is built in. After installing Drupal on the server I had to notice, that some of the menu titles and help fields didn´t change to English, when I changed the site´s default language to English. I´ll try to solve this as soon as possible. But until then here are the most important English translations: STARTSEITE = HOME PAGE, ANMELDEN = SIGN IN, ABMELDEN = SIGN OUT, MEIN KONTO = USER ACCOUNT, WEITERLESEN = READ MORE, NEUEN KOMMENTAR HINZUFUGEN = COMMENT.

Member´s Account

Everybode can reach this site at


but if you are a member, you can sign in (menu ANMELDEN) with your member name and member password (the one you got after paying your member fee). You have forgotten? No problem, just send me an email, and you´ll get them from me again.


Your feedback is most appreciated! Even if you are not a member of our rofilm-media.net community, I´ll be happy about every kind of constructive feedback. And your activity won´t go unawarded.

Enjoy your day!




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