Alpha Ray Tutorial 1: Overview and Oscillators
This is a video I made in 2014. But the voiceover was terrible! I thought, the video deserved a new one. Everything else (included the description) is left unchanged.
00:00 Sounds - Demo 1
00:52 Preface
01:55 Manual
02:50 Overview - The Oscillators
05:45 Sounds - Demo 2
06:42 Overview - Overdrive
08:06 Overview - The Filters
08:44 Overview - The Envelopes
09:55 Sounds - Demo 3
11:14 Overview - The LFOs and other Functions
12:32 Sounds - Demo 4
12:48 Overview The Effects
13:45 Sounds - Demo 5
14:07 Details - VCO, Pitchmodulation, Waveforms and Overdrive
15:20 Details - Filters and Loudness
16:14 Sounds - Demo 6
16:37 Details - Oscillator Sync
20:04 Sounds - Demo 7 (Medieval Heart)
20:52 Details - Frequency Modulation (FM)
25:32 Sounds - Demo 8