My 3rd EBook - and its 24/7 Celebration (There are huge awards to get)

Dear Friends! Dear Community members! Dear Supporters!
My new ebook “A Systematic Introduction to Making Generative Music With Modular Synthesizers“ is going to be published 10 August 2021.
The book has grown to more than 300 pages so far, it already contains more than 100 video clips, some of which are up to 40 minutes long. There are more than 100 patch examples and more than 200 illustrations and graphics so far.
Some of you (who are not members) have pre-ordered the book. Members will get it for free (like everything and always – download from the website)
I´ve sent my family on holiday to be able to work (undisturbed) on the last chapter and hold the above mentioned deadline.
And because it´s my 3rd book there´s going to be an online celebration. 24/7! A whole week. There are going to be awards to get. There will be fun (hopefully – depends on you partly). There will be background information about our “sound community”, and about my work.
I hereby invite you to celebrate with me. To do so, please send some photos or clips of yours, working with your modular system (any system, hardware or software). You don´t need to be on the photograph or in the clip yourself, if you don´t want to. It´s all about the synths, about music, about sound. Or you can even write a bit about your work – I would love to learn more about it. Your material will be part of the party then, and I´ll be glad to send you some personal presents (poor members! You get already everything I have and will have, so it´s only my gratefulness, which I can send you additionally).
Well, that´s all for today! I have to return to working on the book now.
Let me just send a cordial “Thank you for being with me” to you – and I must dash!
Enjoy your day!
P.S.: The countdown has started! Send your photos, screenshots or clips right now (to, if you don´t want to miss out on real big rewards!
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