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Book Publishing Online Celebration

e-book generative music and modular synth patching

This is the programme of next week´s "Book Publishing Online Party". Changes can be made until Tuesday, 10 August 16.00 Central European Summer Time (GMT + 2).

The Programme of my “Book Publishing Celebration Week” as it is set so far:

All dates and times are Central European Summer Time (GMT + 2)

Tuesday, 10 August

(everybody, who buys my book TODAY will get real big add-ons)

Story: “What happened during the last 10 days before publishing?”

on YouTube channel “VSTs in-depth”:

all parts the whole day

on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok LinkedIn:

07.00 (Part one)

09.00 (Part two)

11.00 (Part three)

13.00 (Part four)

15.00 (Part five)

17.00 sadà/exposadà „Expanding your mind hurts“ (extract from a jam with link to the full piece)

18.00 Drawing of the Winners of our Lottery (live) at https://youtu.be/cUwVJePgDxs


Wednesday, 11 August

Story: “Preparing for the time after the rush”

on YouTube channel “VSTs in-depth”:

all parts the whole day

on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok LinkedIn:

07.00 (Part one)

09.00 (Part two)

11.00 illumen (patch and setup photographs)

18.00 Todd Barton performing a short Krell patch with Buchla


Thursday, 12 August

on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok LinkedIn:

18.00 Sover Radu (extract from a jam with link to the full performance)

20.00 sadà/exposadà “Making of Spectral Plaining“ (extract from a jam with link to the full performance)


Friday, 13 August

on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok LinkedIn:

16.00 Graham Dunne "Implementing techniques from Rolf´s book"

18.00 sadà/exposadà “Voltage Modular Buchla“ (extract from a jam with link to the full performance)


Saturday, 14 August

on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok LinkedIn:

18.00 sadà/exposadà “Dream Scraping“ (extract with link to the full piece)


Sunday, 15 August

on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok LinkedIn:

18.00 Arjan Simons “The Tread of Cloth“ (extract with link to the full piece)


Monday, 16 August

on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok LinkedIn:

18.00 sadà/exposadà “Classic TAO“ (extract with link to the full piece)


Further contribution with the right to take part in the lottery can be sent in until Tuesday, 10 August at 04.00 pm





This is the programme of next week´s "Book Publishing Online Party". Changes can be made until Tuesday, 10 August 16.00 Central European Summer Time (GMT + 2).

Book Publishing Online Celebration

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