The cradles of electronic music part 6

(excerpt from my e-book “New Concepts for Music and Sound”:
Experiment 1
This first musical experiment is based on principles of serial music. I´ve recorded 12 frequencies according to my “C_scale” from previous chapters. I used Berna 3 to do so, and I used the Messgenerator to get exact and precise frequencies of sine waves. The following picture shows the 3 series of notes I have made from these frequencies. To do so I loaded the recorded tones in my DAW, which I can use, now that I´m building a bridge between the old and the new.
To get a standard length of all 12 recordings I set the tape length of the 4-Track Recorder to 1 second. Later I cut the tones to exactly the lengths mentioned in the graphic below. I used my DAW again to get precise results quite easily.

This composed sequence “from tape” is sent through a Delay (MFM 2 by u-he) and shall be answered by an “improvisation” by Ongaku (with a bit of on-board reverb). I´m going to use only one of the four agents. I´m not going to allow Ongaku to randomly change the delay parameters nor the Fold parameter, because neither delay nor timbre are implemented in the “question” sequences shown above. But envelope (representing time and rhythm), and frequency shall be random/deterministic, as well as the panorama parameter (just to make it a bit nicer). According to my composed sequencies I choose Ongaku´s chromatic scale (the frequencies mentioned above represent all 12 tones in my “C-scale” from earlier in this book.
By setting these limitations, by determining the borders of randomness I´m not acting as one of the musicians, nor as a composer. I´m rather like a director of the orchestra, and this even more as I´m going to change these limits “live” (during Ongaku´s “improvisations”) in later experiments.
The duration of Ongaku´s “improvisation” shall be longer than the duration of my 3 sequences shown above.
The general structure is therefore like shown in the following graph:

Just watch and listen to the following video to see and hear the results of this first experiment:
(only in the e-book).
Enjoy your day!
... to be continued
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