New Concepts for Music And Sound – Part 9

(Excerpt from my e-book about this topic:
About Noise Art Again
And there is another request – the last for now: it must be possible to COMPOSE noise! Why is that!
Well, audible art is either composed or improvised or initiated and then let it go. But only when audible art is at least POSSIBLE to compose it makes sense to speak of improvisation as the opposite to composing. If it´s not possible to compose a thing you can´t improvise on it – what you may call improvisation is nothing else than a headless messing about. And initiating a sonic process and then letting it go its own ways – that´s what we do in generative (music) productions. But these processes follow rules that are set before the process starts. These rules are there, no matter if they were set by me or by nature or by the construction of the machine or by whoever or by whatsoever. There are rules, there are systems, well, that´s: there is a composition.
This way or another, there´s always a kind of composition involved – otherwise noise would be nothing else than meaningless rumpus.
But how can I compose noise? What are the aspects, what are – if there are at all – meaningful categories? How can I structure noise, and what are the elements of this structure? What is the relation of noise to other sonic phenomena – and perhaps even the interaction with these phenomena?
These are the question we will have to answer in order to find where and where to we can initiate the next quantum leap in the field of noise art.
Enjoy your day!
… to be continued
New Concepts 1:
New Concepts 2:
New Concepts 3:
New Concepts 4:
New Concepts 5:
New Concepts 6:
New Concepts 7:
New Concepts 8:
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