Synth Exercise Booklet No. 2 Cherry Audio´s Eight Voice (Oberheim inspired)
Synth Exercise Booklet No. 2 Cherry Audio´s Eight Voice (Oberheim inspired)

* from idea to finished sound * exercises with solutions and videos
* structure and functionality * sound design * downloadable presets and sounds
* The Zero Patch, Key Range, Voice Assign and Voice Configuration
* Single Voice Operations (or: the minimalist approach to Oberheim)
* Single Voices And the Sequencer
* Multiple Voice Operations (a deep dive into MONO and POLY voice assign modes)
* Multiple Voice Operations (Polyphony, Assign Modes and the Sequencer)
* Multiple Voice Operations (Portamento)
Some page examples:

What this booklet is NOT about
First of all: this booklet is not intended to be a replacement for nor an alternative to Cherry Audio´s excellent user manual. It´s an addition.
Furthermore: I´m not talking about the general functionality that all Cherry Audio plug-ins share. Things like preset management, audio and MIDI settings etc. are not topics of this booklet.
What this booklet IS about
It´s primarily practical.
Yes, I talk about functionality, about how things work in Quadra, about how and why to switch on or off certain behaviours etc.
But it´s always as direct as possible to making the sound we are aiming at, and to the musical task we have to master.