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Synth Exercise Booklet No. 2 Cherry Audio´s Eight Voice (Oberheim inspired)

Synth Exercise Booklet No. 2 Cherry Audio´s Eight Voice (Oberheim inspired)

Cherry Audio Eight Voice
incl. videos:

* from idea to finished sound * exercises with solutions and videos

* structure and functionality * sound design * downloadable presets and sounds


The Zero Patch, Key Range, Voice Assign and Voice Configuration

* Single Voice Operations (or: the minimalist approach to Oberheim)

* Single Voices And the Sequencer

* Multiple Voice Operations (a deep dive into MONO and POLY voice assign modes)

Multiple Voice Operations (Polyphony, Assign Modes and the Sequencer)

* Multiple Voice Operations (Portamento)

                                                                                      Some page examples:

Cherry Audio Eight VoiceCherry Audio Eight Voice

What this booklet is NOT about

First of all: this booklet is not intended to be a replacement for nor an alternative to Cherry Audio´s excellent user manual. It´s an addition.

Furthermore: I´m not talking about the general functionality that all Cherry Audio plug-ins share. Things like preset management, audio and MIDI settings etc. are not topics of this booklet.

What this booklet IS about

It´s primarily practical.

Yes, I talk about functionality, about how things work in Quadra, about how and why to switch on or off certain behaviours etc.

But it´s always as direct as possible to making the sound we are aiming at, and to the musical task we have to master.

Cherry Audio Eight VoiceCherry Audio Eight VoiceCherry Audio Eight Voice

