Book Progress Report 3
Another kind of book progress report:

Writing these really comprehensive books containing some hundreds of pages can get quite exhausting sometimes. Especially with these tropical temperatures and this high Ozone levels that we have here in the west of the Czech republic right now. That´s what do I do to stay fit:
I get up at 4:45 in the morning and start running along the river Ohře for about 40 minutes. I don´t run very fast (I´m a great-grandfather – not a Formula 1 car). Then I have a long long shower and a rather light breakfast with vegetables, fruits and some toast with cheese.
Filling my half litre pot with coffee I go into the studio and start writing, shooting videos, developing patches for the book etc.
I do so until 11 a.m., have lunch (mostly a salad and a bit of baked ham), relax an hour or so (reading a good novel), cook another half a litre of coffe and continue working on the book.
I´t terribly hot right now – I mentioned it before. Therefore it´s not later than half past 3 p.m. when I must stop working. My brain has lost the ability to work properly by than time.
I have some juice, check if my wife is at home or with the children or grand-children or grand-grand children.
In one of the latter cases I turn to one of my numerous hobbies.
Today it´s the microscope. I´ve collected some water from a pond near the river and some greens to start new hay infusions – I´m still hunting for certain protozoa, which I haven´t found so far.

Ah yes, the book progress: 45 pages, 29 videos, 25 patches, 50 pics and graphics.
Cheers and peace!
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