Book Progress Report 7

It´s been a while since my last report. It´s a health matter, which is to blame. I´m undergoing a quite brutal chemical treatment. It seems, that some insect bit me a rather long time ago, because a fairly advanced stage of Boreliosis has been diagnosed. The doctors don´t believe me that I hadn´t sensed any problems before. I don´t care. As long as I´m able to make music, to work in my studio and to write books about it, I´m ok.
The book has grown to 286 pages including 133 videos, 318 graphics and 152 patches. I´m a little bit behind my plan (the reasons I mentioned above), but I´m still quite sure that the book will be published on 15 November.
In addition to a series of deeper dives into some of the topics from Volume 1, the book mainly introduces completely new topics, such as a practical comparison of different musical genres and styles and their production methods with the styles and genres (and production methods) of generative music.
Another of the new topics is generative multimedia. Here I write about (and give a succession of examples) how (and why) to work with text and/or visual media inside a Voltage Modular patch of generative music.
Cheers and peace!
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