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Making Ambient Music With Cherry Audio Synths - The Next Chapter

I´ve checked and organised presets of 11 Cherry Audio Synths in order to make a sonic “canvas” to “paint” on.

ambient music

I´m currently working on the chapter about the sub-genre "Dark Ambient". The projects whose making I describe in detail here cover musical styles of Dark Ambient from the late 1970s up to those of today´s. 

The picture shows a list of presets that are either suitable to serve this purpose unchanged as they are, or make a good starting point for further tweaking and sound design work that leads to what is needed in just a few easy steps.

Once having set such a “sonic canvas” matching a certain sub-genre of ambient music, I can start composing lines, speckles and “sonic geometric shapes” on it.

I´ll keep you updated about the progress of the book here.

Cheers and peace!



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