A Systematic Introduction To Making Generative Music With Modular Synths

I´d been thinking of putting my experience with generative music into a book for quite a long time, when Covid-19 struck in a very brutal way here in the Czech republic. And with the virus came the probably most severe (and longest) lockdown the world has seen.
The lockdown, no social contacts, a lot of time at home, that all made it the right time to start writing at last. There are some great and wonderful videos on Youtube about the matter of generative music. Let me only name Omri Cohen´s videos, or Mylarmelodies. Great content. Wonderful collegues. Instructive examples.
But all in all I missed a kind of „concerning everything“ series, that follows a clear systematic „from zero to hero“. And so I started writing and making presets. And producing video clips documenting the chapters and sub-chapters of my book. And with that said you know already how my new Ebook works:
There is the book itself. There are sound samples. There are presets (I mainly use VCV Rack and Voltage Modular examples). And there are videos. Everyone who buys the book gets the whole package (PDF, sound, presets, videos).
I´ve planned to publish (= make available) the book (package) in the first half of August (2021).
I´m going to write more about this matter here at my website from time to time. So, for now, let me just mention the 6 main chapters:
Chapter 0: About This Course And Some Words About What Generative Music Is
Chapter 1: Real Randomness vs. Complex Cycles (and the combination of both)
Chapter 2: What To Modulate And Trigger
Chapter 3: Compositional Aspects
Chapter 4: Building Blocks Of Generative Patching
Chapter 5: The Generative Potential Of Certain Modules
Each chapter contains a lot of sub-chapters, but more about this later in another post here.
Let me talk about business (even I need some food from time to time, and so does my family).
The price of the package is going to be $ 24.50. But you can get it cheaper, if you decide fast. If you donate $ 9.50 in the week from May 17 to May 23 (2021), you´ll get the book and the videos, and the presets and the samples etc. Directly after publishing in August without having to pay more then.
To donate just click one of the "Donate" buttons anywhere at this website and write "EBook generative" (or something similar) in the comments of your donation with PayPal.
Each week the price rises by $ 1.50 until it reaches $ 24.50 after 11 weeks (in August). This leads to the following table:
donating in the week price of the whole package
May 17 to May 23 $ 9.50
May 24 to May 30 $ 11.00
May 31 to June 6 $ 12.50
June 7 to June 13 $ 14.00
June 14 to June 20 $ 15.50
June 21 to June 27 $ 17.00
June 28 to July 4 $ 18.50
July 5 to July 11 $ 20.00
July 12 to July 18 $ 21.50
July 19 to July 25 $ 23.00
July 26 ff $ 24.50
Enjoy your day!
...But all in all I missed a kind of „concerning everything“ series, that follows a clear systematic „from zero to hero“. And so I started writing.
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Getting the EBook
Hi Ed!
"Betreff" is German (I´ve got the CMS Drupal from a German server, and it´s a bit tricky to make the system translate everything correctly. "Betreff" simply means "Subject matter".
To get the EBook, please click on the "Donate" button anywhere at this website and donate the price (at the moment it´s still pre-order time). Please don´t forget to mention what you are donating for in the comments to your donation at PayPal.
I reckon I´ll finish the book in August. Everybody, who has pre-ordered and payed the reduced pre-order price via PayPal will get the book some days before official date of publishing.
Enjoy yourč day!
Publishing in August
Hi Flowerboy 79!
I reckon I´ll finish and publish the EBook in August as I wrote in the head article above. Everybody, who will have ordered the book and payed the reduced pre-order price (via "Donate" here at the website) gets the download link some days before official publishing date.
Enjoy your day!
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