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Free E-Book “In the World of Grains” …

Free E-Book “In the World of Grains” …

from now on (22 Dec 2020 7.00 a.m. Prague time) and only to 23 Dec 2020 7.00 a.m. Prague time (24 hours).

I´m working on a comprehensive e-book about granular synthesis, granular sound design, and granular sound processing in general. The estimated date of publishing is 15 March 2021. The book contains a lot of links to video clips, which I have produced exclusively for this book. Added to this compendium of more than 270 pages are appendices containing hundreds of sources from literature as well as from the Internet, and a lot more of useful material (charts, lists, test series etc.). Typical examples of software and hardware instruments to apply granular sound processing are introduced in the last chapter.

This book is going to be sold at $ 24.80 – but you´ll get it for free at once after the date of publishing, if

you send an email to rofilm@seznam.cz telling me, that you want a free copy of the book


if you go to http://dev.rofilm-media.net (if you are not already there) and subscribe to my newsletter.

Your email and your subscription must take place during the above mentioned time span. After receiving the email from you, and the confirmation of your newsletter subscription from my newsletter service provider I´ll send you a confirmation (plus a little extra award to make use of at once).

Enjoy your day, and stay healthy and happy in these crazy times!

(… and have a great Christmas time!)



Free E-Book “In the World of Grains” …

from now on (22 Dec 2020 7.00 a.m. Prague time) and only to 23 Dec 2020 7.00 a.m. Prague time (24 hours).

Free E-Book “In the World of Grains” …

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sada-exposada Mi., 30.12.2020 - 17:48

looking forward to this great book!

granular synthesis is indeed more than any other synthesis, a combination of technology and art/composition, technology driven? (as everything?)

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