Pre-Order "A Systematic Introduction to Making Generative Music With Modular Synths" and win!

ebook generative music with modulars

Everybody who orders the book before August 10 gets the chance to win a 5-year download-all for free license.

Just donate the price of the book ($ 24.50) and write "Generative pre-order"

You can also win by sending in (to photographs or screenshots or videoclips or screen recordings of you working with modulars. You don´t need be seen in the photos etc. if you don´t like to. But hurry up: the doors close Tuesday, 10 August at 16.00 CET (GMT + 2).

Yippee! I Finished The Book …

A Systematic Introduction to Making Generative Music With Modular Synths

… well, I´ve finished writing. I have to find the typing mistakes now, do some lay-out work (at least a bit of) and think of some kind of marketing.

But let me show you the content at least:


Chapter 0: About This Course And Some Words About

What Generative Music Is 6


Chapter 1: Real Randomness vs. Complex Cycles (and the combination of both) 10

   Chapter 1.1: LFOs 10

   Chapter 1.2: Other Devices Generating Regular Cycles 59

My 3rd EBook - and its 24/7 Celebration (There are huge awards to get)

Dear Friends! Dear Community members! Dear Supporters!

My new ebook “A Systematic Introduction to Making Generative Music With Modular Synthesizers“ is going to be published 10 August 2021.

The book has grown to more than 300 pages so far, it already contains more than 100 video clips, some of which are up to 40 minutes long. There are more than 100 patch examples and more than 200 illustrations and graphics so far.

A Systematic Introduction To Making Generative Music With Modular Synths

Ebook Generative Music

I´d been thinking of putting my experience with generative music into a book for quite a long time, when Covid-19 struck in a very brutal way here in the Czech republic. And with the virus came the probably most severe (and longest) lockdown the world has seen.

The lockdown, no social contacts, a lot of time at home, that all made it the right time to start writing at last. There are some great and wonderful videos on Youtube about the matter of generative music. Let me only name Omri Cohen´s videos, or Mylarmelodies. Great content. Wonderful collegues. Instructive examples.

For All of You, Who Want to Add Music or Sound Design to Your Art

You are

  • a visual artist (painter, cartoonist, photographer, sculpturer …),
  • or a writer,
  • or an expresssionist dancer,
  • or an actor performing your own programs


You want

to create your own music, your own sounds, your own audible events to add to your art.


What you know about creating music and designing sounds:

(next to) nothing


How I will help you:

Korg Volca Modular Complete - Part 5

Part 5 of my series about the Volca Modular is online now. A lot of patching and all details concerning the Source module followed by a systematic approach to modulations of all kinds including modulating the modulators to get complex CV signals. Details of the Utility unit and concluding notes (what has been forgotten to say in parts 1-4) about all units of the Volca Modular will prepare you for the final step in Video 6.


0:00:00 Intro

0:01:34 Feedbacks in the Source Module and FM

Korg Volca Modular Complete - Part 7 - Korg and Moog

Korg Volca Modular and Friends part 1 (= Korg Volca Modular Complete part 7) is online now.

It´s about the Moog Werkstatt-01 (assembling, explaining some of the electronics, and patching), and about how well it fits in my modular hybrid synth system, and how nicely the (west coast) Volca Modular and the (east coast) Moog Werkstatt can make friends – in common and shared patches.

And here is the


0:00:00 Overview

0:00:40 Moog Werkstatt – Register and Assemble

0:08:26 Calibrating the Werkstatt´s VCO
