Semi-Modular ultra-quickies #1
Here´s the patch I promised in my Video (
Patch oscillator 2 out to VCF in / Patch VCF out to VCA in / Patch LFO bipolar out to Attenuator 1 in / Patch Attenuator 1 out to oscillator 2 frequency modulation 1 / patch envelope 2 out to Attenuator 1 CV in / adjust the parameters as written in the description below, and take the sound from the OUT jack in the patchbay.
OSC 2 triangle wave
VCF frequency 3 o´clock position
VCF Resonance zero
VCV Rack ultra-quickies #5
New Concepts for Music And Sound – Part 1
To make in clear right at the beginning: this series of articles is not about having fun with or through music – not at all!
And let me begin in a rather vicious – and deliberately unfair – manner.
CARDINAL – Is it really like VCV Rack as a free VST? Part 2
(Excerpt from Volume 2 "A Systematic Introduction to Making Generative Music With Modular Synths" - see menu "Book Shop")
CARDINAL – Is it really like VCV Rack as a free VST?
Part 2

What are the differences to VCV Rack?
In the World of Grains – Part 13
Some Notes about Composing with Grains
(= part 17 of all articles about sonic grains)
The role of mathematics:
VCV Rack ultra-quickies #4
For my followers on Youtube: here is the promised finished patch:

If you want to watch the 60 second video, well, here it is:
VCV Rack ultra-quickies #3
For my followers on Youtube: Here is the promised finished patch:

Do we need a new approach to music?
This is the place where I summarize the discussion, which is spread across all of my social media channels. Let me – already now – say “thank you” to all, who have contributed and are still contributing. And here are all of the postings, opinions and thoughts so far:
Rolf´s Question:
Do we need a completely new kind of music?
“Do we need a new and completely different way of understanding music, of looking at music, of listening to music and to making/producing music again?”
In the World of Grains - Part 12
(= part 16 of all articles about sonic grains).
Some Notes about Composing with Grains
Techniques and cross-compositional resources:
There are different ways to come to grips with the immense amount of grains and their individual parameters, but most of them have one strategy in common: the use of tendency masks.
CARDINAL – Is it really like VCV Rack as a free VST? Part 1
For reasons of practicability (when producing music) it is better to use a DAW environment sometimes (and sometimes it is not, of course). And the VCV Rack version, which works inside of a DAW is not a free one – you have to pay for it. And even if the price is definitely appropriate – it is still a price, still money. There will be some of you, who cannot afford these about 200.- Dollars (September 2022). CARDINAL is free – no money needed. So, how to work with CARDINAL? What are the differences to VCV Rack? When should we use CARDINAL, and when VCV Rack?