J. Daniel Cramer´s Krellberg Variations in VCV Rack – Part 5

J. Daniel Cramer´s Krellberg Variations in VCV Rack – Part 5

We are going to make a big jump in this article no. 5. Therefore it will come in handy to have a look at the whole patch as it is by now before we continue patching. There are going to be more modules, even different new kinds of modules as well as a new technique (patching strategy) in this part. So, let´s have a look at what we have by now:

J. Daniel Cramer´s Krellberg Variations in VCV Rack – Part 4

J. Daniel Cramer´s Krellberg Variations in VCV Rack – Part 4

In my last article of this series I said that there must be “reasonable” ways to add a second (eventually even more) Krell function generator to the patch, and I talked about the need of modulating the maximum peak of the Krell envelope. Well, let´s do both in one step now. And we don´t even need to add another module to the patch we ended up with in part 3! (At least not in the first step.)

Thoughts on Generative Music - Part 13

Thoughts on Generative Music - Part 13

(contains embedded video – there are VCV rack presets mentioned in the text here and there. Owners of my book, this article is an excerpt from, will get the link to those presets. More about my book here: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/331 and if you want to support my work, please make use of the “PayPal” button at this website – thank you!)

The Modules of the Vintage ARP 2500 – Part 12

The Modules of the Vintage ARP 2500 – Part 12

(contains embedded video, and if you want to support my work, please push the “PayPal” button at this website – thank you!)

A Whiff of Krell” or “ARP2500 and Voltage Modular go Krell”

Today´s patch is inspired by what is usually called “Krell Music”. A bit of background information about”Krell Music” may come in handy here. It was the year 1956, when the film “Forbidden Planet” went to the cinemas.

Close Encounters of a Special Kind – Part 12

Close Encounters of a Special Kind – Part 12

If you want to support my work, please make use of the "PayPal" button - thank you very much indeed!

Milk, Rubber and Lucky Accidents

I know, I promised to write something about reverb first, but simple life itself is a great sound designer sometimes, and so is – milk. Yes, I said “milk”, or better said: these middle sized half open boxes where they put 12 units of milk in. Yes, it is all about sound – just be patient. I imagine, that all of you have tried to record a strained rubber band once.
